Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. From dust we come, to dust we'll return. Ash Wednesday is the day that we are reminded of our mortality. It is also a reminder that we will return to meet our God; the one who made us and the one who loves us, to whom we truly belong.
In the begining, on the sixth day after God created Heaven and Earth and all that is in it, God formed man out of the dust of the ground and breathe into him the breath of life. Therefore, with each breath we take, we should be thankful to God for the gift of life.
Today God gave me a new perspective that increased my awareness of His love for me.
After God created man, God put the man into a deep sleep and took a rib bone out of the man to
form a woman to give the man a perfect companion. God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply."
So, we are all descendents of our first parents, Adam and Eve. Now, back to the first thought: ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Surely, I'll return to dust. Everyday, I die a little and contribute to the amount of dust in my room with my old skin cells. Now the second thought: from my mother's womb, I come; flesh of her flesh, blood of her blood, nothing that resembles a handful of dust. To affirm that I was made of dust is to say and believe that I have come a long, long way. I am possibly more than 6000 years old since the first man Adam is believed to come into existance in 4001 B.C.
Wow! God waited a long time to see me. He took His time to form me. He saw me when I was dust. He knew and loved me back then (and still do:)) and He took care of me and brought me to existance.
Know more about:
Ash Wednesday
The Story of Creation
The Tailed Sulphur, Dercas gobrias herodorus (Fruhstorfer)
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13 years ago
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